Page 174 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 174

卜 書 文 英 大 題 考
                    13 social [ˋsoʃəl]    社會的;社交的;群居的                 U15-1-13      109 / 107 / 106 / 104 / 101 / 100 / 98 / 96
                       Humans are social animals, so it is hard to live alone.
                       ◎ society [səˋsaɪətɪ]     社會;交際;交往                                               105

           tips           說明   socialize (v.)「社交;交際」【98】;sociology (n.)「社會學」
                          Everyone should obey the laws in a civilized society.

                    14 source [sors]      水源;來源;根源                              U15-1-14      108 / 105 / 102 / 100 / 98

                       說明   比較 sauce (n.)「醬汁;調味料」
                       Alfred wanted to find out the source of the rumor.

                    15 resource [rɪˋsors]      資源;財力;機智;手段                       U15-1-15      106 / 104 / 103 / 98 / 96

                       We should protect our natural resources.

                    16 adapt [əˋdæpt]      使適應;改編                                                   U15-1-16

                       Some students have difficulty in adapting themselves to a new environment.
                       ◎ adjust [əˋdʒʌst]      適應;調節;調整
                          He tried to adjust himself to the rural life.           Tips 易混淆
                                                                                   16 adapt   適應;改編
                                                                                   adjust   適應;調節
                                                                                   17 adopt   採用;領養
                    17 adopt [əˋdɑpt]      採用;領養                          U15-1-17

                       說明   相似字  adopt ≒ accept「接受」
                       The old woman and her elder brother adopted a little girl with red hair.

                    18 virus [ˋvaɪrəs]    病毒                                          U15-1-18      106 / 104 / 102

                       說明   比較 germ (n.)「病菌;微生物」;mildew (n.)「霉菌」
                       Many people still use paper because both the Internet and e-mail can be a vehicle
                       for viruses to spread.

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