Page 102 - ePD03402_聚焦英文文法講義_課本PDF
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                  2   非條件的假設語氣:陳述一般的事實或真理

                          If 子句                        主要子句
                        If 現在式 V.                      現在式 V.

                      EX  If he    says    (say) he loves you forever,   don't buy      it.
                                                       現在式                                                                             現在式

                  3   與現在事實相反或是根本不可能發生的事

                          If 子句                        主要子句
                      If S + Ved/were    S + should/would/could/might + V 原形

                      EX3-1  If I   were     you, I  would  marry her.
                                          過去式 be 動詞    過去式助動詞

                                  Because I am not you, I don't marry her.

                      EX3-2  If I    had     money, I   would  buy a cell phone for myself.
                                                  過去式動詞                        過去式助動詞

                                  Because I don't have money, I can't buy a cell phone for myself.

                          立即練習 2

                      1. If I    worked      (work) hard, I would be a boss.

                      2. If I     were       (be) you, I would not tell a lie.

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