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Chapter 15 if 的用法

                  15     Exercise

                 一 選擇題

                 (  C  )  1.  If I      a bird, I would fly into the sky.
                            (A) will          (B) will be           (C) were             (D) was

                 (  B  )  2.  If the typhoon      tomorrow, we won't go to work.
                            (A) will come   (B) comes               (C) came             (D) is coming

                 (  C  )  3.  If you      your brother, tell him I love him.
                            (A) will meet     (B) met               (C) meet             (D) are meeting

                 (  C  )  4.  If I were you, I      not talk to her.
                            (A) will          (B) don't             (C) would            (D) didn't

                 (  B  )  5.  If it      tomorrow, we will not go to the concert.
                            (A) will rain     (B) rains             (C) rained           (D) is raining

                 (  C  )  6.  If I      you, I would go crazy.
                            (A) am            (B) is                (C) were             (D) was

                 (  D  )  7.  If you      breakfast this morning, you would not have been so

                            (A) had           (B) have had          (C) have             (D) had had
                 (  A  )  8.  If you had done your assignments, you would not     .

                            (A) have been punished                  (B) had been punished
                            (C) had punished                        (D) have punished                          高 篇 級

                 (  B  )  9.  If you had told me the truth, I      married her.
                            (A) would                               (B) would have

                            (C) would been                          (D) would have been
                 (  D  ) 10. If you had gone with John to the ball yesterday,     .

                            (A) you would meet Julia already   (B) you won't have missed Julia
                            (C) you will have met Julia             (D) you would have met Julia

                 (  C  ) 11. If what the news said      true, we will avoid going there.
                            (A) should have been                    (B) should have

                            (C) should be                           (D) should been

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