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Chapter 16 關係子句

                 三 關係代名詞的省略時機


                      EX  I know the girl whom/that you are talking about.
                          = I know the girl ( whom/that ) you are talking about.

                          ※ 這個「whom」作為關係子句中 you are talking about 的受格,故可省略。

                          立即練習 2

                     請判斷以下句子的「關係代名詞」是否可省略,將可省略的字以( )標示,若

                       1.  I  met  the  woman (whom) I  love.
                       2.  This  is  the  sweater (which) I  bought  yesterday.

                       3.  I  know  the  old  man  and  his  dog  that  are  running  over  there.

                       4.  He's  the  boy  who  doesn't  have  any  brothers  and  sisters.
                       5.  This  is  the  most  difficult  math  problem (that) I  have  ever  solved.

                 四 關係代名詞只能用 that 的時機

                 1. 先行詞前有 all(全部的)、every(每一個的)、any(任何的)、no(沒有)、
                    the only(唯一的)、the same(相同的)。
                    EX   is is the same woman that came yesterday.                                             高 篇 級

                 2. 先行詞前有「最高級」形容詞
                    EX   is is the best movie that I've ever seen.

                 3. 先行詞前有「序數」

                    EX  He is the  rst boy that came here.

                 4. 先行詞是「人和動物」或「人和事物」
                    EX  Look at the dog and the boy that are playing together.

                 5. 疑問句的開頭是 Who / Which / What
                    EX  Who is the boy that is standing there?

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