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Chapter 17 關係副詞

                 17     關係副詞                                                         本章練習題解答 : p. 解-12~解-13

                 一 關係副詞可與「介系詞 + which」替換使用

                                                                            !  Tips
                 「where」表示地方 = in which, on which, at which
                                                                            1.  也可用「關係副詞」代替「先
                 「when」表示時間            = in which, on which, at which          行詞 + 介係詞 + which」。
                                                                            2.  what 前不可加先行詞。
                 「why」表示原因             = for which
                                                                            3.  介係詞也可放句尾。
                 「how」表示方法             = in which                           4.  關係代名詞         句子不完整

                 「what」表示事物            = 先行詞 + which / that                    關係副詞           句子完整

                  EX  1.  is is the only place    where      you can park the car.

                       =  is is the only place  in which  you can park the car.

                       =  is is the only place      which      you can park the car       in       .

                      2. Do you know the time       when       the train arrives?

                       = Do you know the time  at which  the train arrives?
                       = Do you know the time        which       the train arrives     at       ?

                      3. Do you know the reason        why       he is late?(你知道他遲到的理由嗎?)

                       = Do you know the reason  for which  he is late?

                       = Do you know the reason        which       he is late    for      ?                    篇 級 高

                      4. I don't know the way      how       he did it.(我不知道他是如何做到的。)
                       = I don't know the way  in which  he did it.

                       = I don't know the way       which      he did it      in      .
                       = I don't know        how       he did it.

                      5.  is is     what       I am looking for.(這就是我正在找的書。)

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