Page 108 - ePD03402_聚焦英文文法講義_課本PDF
P. 108


                  2   關係代名詞當「受格」用


                  EX2-1  I enjoyed the pizza    which / that / x      Dad bought last night.


                  EX2-2   e car     which / that / x     Mr. Wang bought last week is very expensive.
                          (Wang 先生上週買的車很貴。)

                  3   關係代名詞當「所有格」用


                  EX3-1  I like the girl  whose  hair is long.


                  EX3-2   e man  whose  arm is broken is my uncle.


                          立即練習 1

                      1. The bread          which / that / x       you made is very delicious.

                       2.  Do you know the girl            who / that           is wearing sunglasses?
                      3. The book          which / that / x        I bought is about art.

                       4.  Jake likes the girl           whose             hair is long.

                       5.  Has she written to the actor        who / that          won the prize this year?
                      6. The dog         which / that / x        you brought home died yesterday.

                       7.   e man and the dog             that           you saw yesterday were homeless.

                      8. The dog               whose             tail is long lives next door.
                       9.  I know the nurse        whom / that / x         Dad is talking to.

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