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Chapter 16 關係子句

                  16     Exercise

                 一 請使用關係代名詞合併句子

                   1.  We all like the dog.
                     The dog is playing with the students over there.

                          We all like the dog which is playing with the students over there.

                   2.  I don't like the girl.
                     The girl's dad has a bad temper.

                          I don't like the girl whose dad has a bad temper.

                   3.  My brother likes the storybooks.
                     Their pictures are interesting.

                          My brother likes the storybooks whose pictures are interesting.

                 二 選擇題

                 (  C  )  1.  The cookies      you made is very delicious.

                            (A) who           (B) what              (C) X                (D) when
                 (  C  )  2.  This is the biggest apple      I have ever seen.

                            (A) which         (B) who               (C) that             (D) whom
                 (  D  )  3.  Joe, do you know the man      a blue sweater over there?

                            (A) wears         (B) is wearing        (C) on               (D) who wears         篇 高 級
                 (  D  )  4.  The car      is very expensive.

                            (A) that have two doors                 (B) is owned by Mr. Jones
                            (C) who has blue lights                 (D) which can run very fast

                 (  B  )  5.  Where did you buy the nice chair      Jack is sitting?
                            (A) which         (B) on which          (C) on that          (D) that

                 (  D  )  6.  That is the town      we live.
                            (A) which         (B) in that           (C) it               (D) in which

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