Page 114 - ePD03402_聚焦英文文法講義_課本PDF
P. 114


                  17     Exercise

                 一 請重組下列句子

                   1.  how / no one / he / knows / got out. /

                          No one knows how he got out.

                   2.  don't / I / the reason / he / why / it. / did / know /
                          I don't know the reason why he did it.

                   3.  sure / when / I / not / he / will come. / am /
                          I am not sure when he will come.

                   4.  where / the famous cake. / This / can / buy / we / is /

                          This is where we can buy the famous cake.

                   5.  what / I / don't / can / I / know / do. /

                          I don't know what I can do.

                 二 請寫出正確的關係副詞或關係代名詞

                   1.  That's the only way       how       we can do it.
                   2.  Do you know the reason         why        she is so sad?

                   3.  I need to know the time       when       your flight will arrive.

                   4.  I want to buy May a gift, but I really don't know        what       she likes.
                   5.  We always go to the park       where      we can walk our dogs.

                   6.  The clerk told the lady      how        she could get the money back.

                   7.  This is the city   where       we spent our honeymoon.
                  8.      What       I cook is good for your health.

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