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                 四 獨立分詞構句(前後主詞不同)                                        !   Tips

                                                                          1. S1 和 S2 若指不同人物,省略連
                  S1 + V1ing / V1p.p..., S2 + V2...                       2. 動詞變分詞:主動            V-ing

                                                                                  被動             Vp.p.

                  EX1  Because Mary passed her exam, her mom was very happy.

                            Mary    passing     her exam, her mom was very happy.

                  EX2  Because he was absent, nothing could be done.
                            He     being      absent, nothing could be done.

                          立即練習 2

                       1.  If it is fine, the fireworks display will take place as planned.
                                   It being      fine, the fireworks display will take place as planned.

                       2.  When the school was over, the students started to go home.
                              The school being over, the students started to go home.

                       3.  If the weather permits, we will have a picnic tomorrow
                              The weather permitting, we will have a picnic tomorrow.

                 五 with + 分詞的用法

                  S + V + with + O + O.C.(Adj / V-ing / Vp.p.)...,  S + V...

                  EX1   A little girl is walking into the supermarket with her hand tugging on(拉著)her
                       mother's skirt.(有位小女孩正走進超市,手拉著母親的裙子。)

                           O.C. 為 V-ing 時,表主動或正在進行。
                  EX2  She took a rest on the sofa with her eyes closed.(他在沙發上休息,眼睛閉著。)
                           O.C. 為形容詞。

                  EX3   Jerry put his health at risk with the number of cigarettes smoked. (隨著菸愈抽愈多,
                       Jerry 健康亮起紅燈。)  O.C. 為 Vp.p. 時,表被動或已經。

                          立即練習 3

                       1.  She left the house, with the kettle       boiling      (boil) on the stove.

                       2.  Marian is going to give a speech, with his heart       beating       (beat) fast.
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