Page 122 - ePD03402_聚焦英文文法講義_課本PDF
P. 122


                  EX  I suggest that my younger sister  finish  her homework as soon as possible.


                      My mother insists that I    take     medicine when I catch a cold.


                          立即練習 2

                       1.  I recommend that he         change       (change) his job.

                      2. The general(將軍)commanded that theses soldiers                     put        (put)
                          down their guns immediately.

                       3.  I propose that he     be elected     (elect) chairman.

                 三 「to」為介係詞的句型

                   序號                英文                        中文
                    1      thanks                           幸好
                    2      owing                            由於、因為
                    3      be devoted                       致力於
                    4      look forward                     期待
                    5      in addition      to V-ing        除…之外
                    6      be/get used                      (現在)習慣
                    7      be opposed                       反對
                    8      object                           反對
                    9      with a view                      為了
                    10     with an eye                      為了

                  EX  1.  anks to     helping     my life, I can study at school.

                      2. I am devoted to    helping     stray dogs.

                      3. In addition to  cleaning  the house, I cook for my family.

                      4. I am looking forward to    visiting    my pen pals.


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