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Chapter 19 特殊動詞

                 (  B  ) 12. Ellen is used      a shower before going to work.

                            (A) to take       (B) to taking         (C) take             (D) took

                 (  C  ) 13. The exam is very near. I had better      it as soon as possible.
                            (A) preparing     (B) to prepare        (C) prepare          (D) prepared
                 (  B  ) 14. The earth is not only      but also     .

                            (A) pollute;damage                      (B) polluted;damaged

                            (C) polluting;damaging                  (D) to pollute;damaged
                 (  A  ) 15. The general(將軍)commanded that these soldiers      their guns
                            down immediately.

                            (A) put           (B) putting           (C) to put           (D) puting

                 (  A  ) 16. Smoking cigarettes is bad for our health. Please stop     .
                            (A) smoking     (B) to smoke            (C) smoke            (D) smoked
                 (  B  ) 17. I heard the funny jokes.I can't help but     .

                            (A) laughing     (B) laugh              (C) laughed          (D) to laugh

                 (  D  ) 18. I propose that he      chairman.
                            (A) electing      (B) elected           (C) elects           (D) be elected
                 (  A  ) 19. I recommend that he      his job.

                            (A) change        (B) changing          (C) to change        (D) changes

                 (  A  ) 20. People are opposed to      Nuclear Power Plant in this area.
                            (A) building     (B) build              (C) built            (D) have built

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