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                  19     Exercise

                 一 選擇題

                 (  D  )  1.  My mother suggests that my younger brother      basketball after
                            doing his homework.

                            (A) playing       (B) to play           (C) played           (D) play
                 (  A  )  2.  My English teacher demands that we      English dialogue every

                            (A) listen to     (B) listening to      (C) to listen to     (D) listened to

                 (  A  )  3.  Mother Teresa was devoted to      homeless people.
                            (A) helping       (B) to help           (C) help             (D) helped

                 (  A  )  4.  I am always looking forward to      France.
                            (A) visiting      (B) visited           (C) visit            (D) to visit

                 (  A  )  5.  My parent used to      the mountain every morning.
                            (A) climb                               (B) climbed

                            (C) climbing                            (D) have climbed
                 (  A  )  6.  Don't forget      the housework for your mother.

                            (A) to do         (B) done              (C) doing            (D) do
                 (  C  )  7.  You have to stop      anything in class.

                            (A) eat           (B) to eat            (C) eating           (D) eaten
                 (  B  )  8.  Owing to      late, my teacher was very angry.

                            (A) be            (B) being             (C) is               (D) was
                 (  A  )  9.  Do you remember      my book? I haven't received it.

                            (A) to return     (B) returned          (C) returning        (D) return
                 (  B  ) 10. John not only      baseball but also      the piano.

                            (A) play;plays                          (B) plays;plays
                            (C) plays;playing                       (D) play;playing

                 (  D  ) 11. With a view      water, I can't waste any water.
                            (A) saving        (B) save              (C) saved            (D) to saving

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