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Chapter 19 特殊動詞

                 19     特殊動詞                                                         本章練習題解答 : p. 解-13~解-14

                 一 「花費」用法

                     主 詞          動 詞           用 法                         句 型
                       it          take          時間       It takes (took) +(人)+ 時間 + to V

                       it          cost          金錢       It costs (cost)  +(人)+ 金錢 + to V
                                                                spend                  on + N
                       人           spend      時間或金錢       人 +           + 時間或金錢
                                                               (spent)                 (in) + V-ing

                  EX1  It took me twenty minutes     to do     my homework.(我花了二十分鐘做作業。)

                       = I spend twenty minutes  doing  my homework.(做作業花了我二十分鐘。)
                  EX2  It    cost     Mary $200 to buy this book.

                                                  buying this book. (這本書Mary 花了200 元買。)
                       = Mary     spent     $200
                                                  on this book.(Mary 花了 200 元買這本書。)

                          立即練習 1

                      1. Tom         spent        three hours watching TV last night.
                       2.  How long did it         take        to finish the work?

                      3. It        cost        me five hundred dollars to buy this dress yesterday.
                       4.  How much does it          cost         to buy the bag?

                                                                                                               篇 級 高

                 二 省略「should」用法


                     建議       suggest,    propose      , advise,   recommand
                     堅持             insist

                     命令       order,   command
                     要求           demand       , require,    request

                  S + suggest that S + (should) + V.

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