Page 120 - ePD03402_聚焦英文文法講義_課本PDF
P. 120


                 (  A  )  9.      , I decided not to go to school.

                            (A) Being sick                          (B) I was sick
                            (C) Have being sick                     (D) Been sick

                 (  C  ) 10. Looking out of the window,     .
                            (A) there are birds in the park.
                            (B) a beautiful garden was seen.

                            (C) we can see a beautiful garden.
                            (D) high mountains were far away.

                 (  C  ) 11. Weather     , I will go shopping tomorrow.
                            (A) permits       (B) permitted         (C) permitting       (D) to permit

                 (  A  ) 12.      along the street at midnight, we saw nothing but the twinkling
                            street lamps.
                            (A) Walking       (B) Walked            (C) To walk          (D) Walks

                 (  B  ) 13. The teacher looked at me, with her arm     .
                            (A) crossing      (B) crossed           (C) to cross         (D) cross

                 (  A  ) 14. The boy rode his bike with his eyes     .
                            (A) closed        (B) closing           (C) be closed        (D) close

                 (  A  ) 15.      in the late 1800's, this old building has become a museum and
                            a popular tourist spot.
                            (A) Built         (B) Building          (C) Been built       (D) Having built

                 (  B  ) 16. Grandma sat in front of the TV with her eyes     .
                            (A) closing       (B) closed            (C) to close         (D) close

                 (  A  ) 17. My sister was riding her bike with her hair      in the wind.
                            (A) blowing       (B) blown             (C) to blow          (D) blow
                 (  A  ) 18.      his young daughter crying over the death of her dog for days,

                            the father decided to get her a new puppy.
                            (A) Watching      (B) Watched           (C) To watch         (D) Watches

                 (  C  ) 19.      her classmates cheating on the exam, Chelsea chose to tell her
                            teacher the truth.
                            (A) Saw           (B) To see            (C) Seeing           (D) Seen

                 (  B  ) 20.      in a terrible car accident, John lost his both legs.
                            (A) Injuring      (B) Injured           (C) Injury           (D) To injure

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