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Chapter 17 關係副詞

                 三 選擇題

                 (  B  )  1.  Do you know the library      we can watch movies?
                            (A) which         (B) where             (C) why              (D) how

                 (  A  )  2.  We need to understand      global warming is getting serious.
                            (A) why           (B) when              (C) where            (D) what

                 (  C  )  3.       you have to do is study hard.
                            (A) Why           (B) When              (C) What             (D) How

                 (  C  )  4.       he told me was true.
                            (A) why           (B) when              (C) what             (D) how

                 (  A  )  5.  This is the restaurant       Josh will meet Cannon at.
                            (A) where         (B) when              (C) which            (D) what

                 (  C  )  6.  Julia will never forget the day      she first met her husband.
                            (A) on when       (B) which             (C) when             (D) on that

                 (  D  )  7.  This is      he can not attend the meeting.
                            (A) which         (B) what              (C) how              (D) why

                                                                                                               高 篇 級

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