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Chapter 18 分詞與分詞構句

                  EX1         After I had finished         my work, I went home.

                             Having finished               my work, I went home.


                  EX2  (Having been)      written     in haste, the book has some mistakes.

                       ※ 故無論主被動,動詞皆為 Vp.p. 型式。

                          立即練習 1

                       1.  While I was searching in the drawer, I saw my childhood photos.

                                  Searching      in the drawer, I saw my childhood photos.

                       2.  Because the apartment overlooks the green mountains, it has a beautiful view.

                                Overlooking  the green mountains, the apartment has a beautiful view.

                       3.  If the cell phone is left in the classroom, it might be stolen.

                             If         left        in the classroom, the cellphone might be stolen.

                       4.  Because I felt embarrassed, I burst into tears in class.

                              Feeling embarrassed, I burst into tears in class.

                 (  B  )  1.       by her, he was depressed.
                            (A) Ignore        (B) Ignored           (C) Ignoring         (D) be Ignored        篇 級 高

                 (  C  )  2.       no English, the clerk can still communicate with foreigners.
                            (A) Understand                          (B) Understood

                            (C) Understanding                       (D) Understands
                 (  C  )  3.       what to do, the girl who lost her way burst into tears.

                            (A) Not know                            (B) Not knew
                            (C) Not knowing                         (D) Doesn't know

                 (  C  )  4.       a second chance, he will do much better.
                            (A) Give          (B) Giving            (C) Given            (D) to give

                 (  B  )  5.       too much, May had a stomachache.
                            (A) Eaten         (B) Having eaten  (C) Eat                  (D) to eat
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