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P. 16


                  02     Exercise

                 一 請填寫適當的人稱代名詞

                         人稱                   I                 You                    He/She/it

                         受格                  me                 you                    him/her/it

                        所有格                  my                 your                   his/her/its

                     所有格代名詞                 mine               yours                   his/hers/its
                      反身代名詞                 myself            yourself            himself/herself/itself

                         人稱                  We                 You                        ey

                         受格                   us                you                      them
                        所有格                  our                your                      their

                     所有格代名詞                  ours              yours                     theirs

                      反身代名詞                ourselves         yourselves                themselves

                 二 請使用所有格代名詞改寫句子

                  EX   e book is my book. Is it your book?
                        e book is my book. Is it yours?

                   1.  This is my pen. Is it your pen?

                          This is my pen. Is it yours?

                   2.  I didn't have an umbrella, so Mary gave me her umbrella.

                          I didn't have an umbrella, so Mary gave me hers.

                   3.  It's his problem, not our problem.

                          It's his problem, not ours.

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