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Chapter 3 時態

                          立即練習 3

                     請將肯定句改寫為否定句。                                      !   Tips
                       1.  I watch TV.                                 以下助動詞否定可改為縮寫:

                              I don't watch TV.                        cannot = can't                          篇 級 初
                                                                       should not = shouldn't
                       2.  We play football.                           would not = wouldn't

                              We don't play football.                  其他助動詞否定則不縮寫:
                                                                       shall not
                       3.  The movie is boring.                        may not

                              The movie isn't boring.                  might not
                                                                       must not
                       4.  She cleans her room.

                              She doesn't clean her room.

                       5.  You ride your bike every weekend.

                              You don't ride your bike every weekend.

                       6.  Sandy takes nice photos.

                              Sandy doesn't take nice photos.

                       7.  They open the windows.

                              They don't open the window.

                       8.  He buys a new CD.

                              He doesn't buy a new CD.

                       9.  I am late for school.

                              I am not late for school. / I'm not late for school.

                      10. She can cook

                              She can't cook.

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