Page 24 - ePD03402_聚焦英文文法講義_課本PDF
P. 24


                  2   分辨「現在簡單式」與「現在進行式」

                     (  × )  1.  I am going home by bus every day.

                                     I go home by bus every day.

                     (  ○  )  2.  Joe is my brother.

                     (  × )  3.  Ann talks to my brother now.

                                     Ann is talking to my brother now.

                     (  ○  )  4.  Look! Colin is playing football now.

                     (  × )  5.  Josh is playing football every Tuesday.

                                     Josh plays football every Tuesday.

                     (  ○  )  6.  The film starts at 8 pm.

                     (  × )  7.  I am usually wearing jeans to school.

                                     I usually wear jeans to school.

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