Page 22 - ePD03402_聚焦英文文法講義_課本PDF
P. 22


                 二 現在進行式(Present Progressive Tense)

                       S  +  is/am/are  +  V-ing

                     1. 敘述正在進行的動作(句尾可加入 now 的句子)
                       (1) He is watching TV in the living room.
                       (2) My sisters are crying in their bedroom.


                     2. 表一直重複之動作,且多半是負面的事,諸如生活上的壞習慣或惹人嫌的行為。
                       (always, constantly, forever, repeatedly)
                       Why are you always sleeping in class?


                     3. 來去動詞用進行式代替未來式(go, come, start, leave, arrive...。)
                       (1) He is leaving for Hong Kong next Friday.

                       (2) I am going to see a doctor tomorrow.

                       (3) He is arriving tomorrow morning.


                                               表 3-2 V-ing「現在分詞」的變化規則

                                  一般:直接 + ing                             agree → agreeing
                                  不發音的字尾 e:去 e + ing                      come → coming

                                  字尾發音為子音 + 短母音 + 子音:                     sit → sitting
                                  重複字尾 + ing

                                  字尾為 ie:去 ie + y                         lie → lying

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