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Chapter 7 形容詞最高級用法

                     2. 不規則變化

                              原級              比較級               最高級

                           good/well           better            best
                              bad              worse             worst                                         篇 級 初

                          many/much            more              most

                              little            less             least

                  2   最高級的句型

                                   of all (the three)(A 是…最…的)
                     1. A + be + the + adj-est +
                                   in + 地方

                        EX  I am        the strongest       of the three.(我是三個中最壯的。)
                        EX  Linda is    the most beautiful      in her class.(Linda 是她們班上最美的。)

                                      + (N) + of all (the three)
                     2. A + be + the + least + adj +
                                      in + 地方(A 是…最不…的)

                        EX  I am      the least strong      of the three.(我是三個中最不壯的。)

                        EX  Linda is    the least beautiful     in her class. (Linda 是她們班上最不美的。)

                 二 形容詞的強調

                       very + 原級 adj.
                       much / even / still / a lot / far + 比較級 adj.

                       the very / much the + 最高級

                      EX  (1)  e book is very interesting.

                          (2)  at book is much / even / still / a lot / far more interesting.
                          (3) Tom is the very tallest of the three boys.

                              = Tom is much the tallest of the three boys.

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