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                  06     Exercise

                 一 寫出形容詞比較級

                         原級                 比較級                  原級                 比較級
                        small              smaller                late               later

                        young              younger               nice                nicer
                         easy               easier             expensive        more expensive

                         hot                hotter              di cult          more di cult

                         big                bigger             good/well            better

                 二 請填入正確的形容詞比較級

                   1.  The room is          larger         (large) than that one.

                  2. I have           less           (little) than he.

                  3. Gold is         heavier          (heavy) than silver.
                   4.  The sun is much          bigger          (big) than the earth.

                  5. Which is          cheaper          (cheap), A or B?

                   6.  I am much          better          (well) today.
                  7. She is  the more beautiful  (beautiful) of the two women.

                  8. He drinks            more           (much) coffee than you do.

                   9.  We don't have so          much            (much) money as you think.
                  10. His hair is        longer          (long) than Mary's.

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