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Chapter 6 形容詞的原級、比較級

                 06     形容詞的原級、比較級                                                         本章練習題解答 : p. 解-6

                 一 形容詞的原級與比較級

                 形容詞分為原級、比較級和最高級。                                                                              初 級 篇
                  EX   e boy is tall.(原級)

                       e boy is taller than Mary.(比較級)

                       e boy is the tallest in the class.(最高級)

                 二 原級的用法與句型

                     A + be+ as + adj. + as + B(A 與 B 一樣…)

                      EX1  Sam is    as handsome as       Carry (is).(Sam 和 Carry 一樣帥。)

                           Tom is      as old as     I.(Tom 和我年紀一樣大。)
                           Her hat is as pretty as     mine        .(她的帽子和我的帽子一樣漂亮。)

                     A + be not + as (so) + adj. + as + B(A 不像 B 那樣…)

                      EX2  Mr. Green is not as old as he looks.(Green 先生不像他本人看起來那麼老。)

                            e weather today       isn't as hot as     it was yesterday.

                 三 比較級的用法與句型

                  1   形容詞比較級的形式

                     1. 規則變化
                       (1) 單音節 adj. + er                           (2) adj. 字尾有 e + r

                              原級              比較級                         原級              比較級

                              old              older                      late             later

                              tall             taller                     nice             nicer
                             small            smaller                    close            closer

                             young            younger                    large             larger

                              cold             colder                     wise             wiser
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