Page 48 - ePD03402_聚焦英文文法講義_課本PDF
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                 三 請填入正確的動詞形式

                  1. Tom           has just finished          (just/finish) his homework.

                  2. Father             has bought              (buy) me a new computer already.

                  3. It            had rained              (rain) for three days before yesterday.

                  4. Mandy  has not done the dishes yet          . (not/do the dishes/yet)

                  5. I           have learned             (learn) English for 9 years.

                  6. Monica                   has                 (have) a lot of stamps.

                  7. My sister              is having              (have) breakfast now.

                  8. Jason             has visited             (visit) South Korea twice.

                  9. My mother                    had                 (have) her hair cut last Sunday.

                  10. The Lins                have                 (have) much money.

                 四 翻譯

                  1.  他們已經去墾丁(Kenting)國家公園了。

                          They have gone to Kenting National Park.

                  2. Peter 上個月就已經把他的公寓賣了。

                          Peter had sold his apartment last month.

                  3.  我去過臺北很多次了。

                          I have been to Taipei many times.

                  4.  學生必須用功讀書。

                          Students have to study hard.

                  5. Jack 沒有女朋友。
                          Jack doesn't have a girlfriend.

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