Page 43 - ePD03402_聚焦英文文法講義_課本PDF
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Chapter 4 問句與答句

                 (  B  )  7.  Will you      me?

                            (A) married  (B) marry  (C) marrying

                 (  C  )  8.  Why      she going to leave Taiwan?
                            (A) Will  (B) does  (C) is
                 (  A  )  9.  What did you      to her?                                                        篇 級 初

                            (A) say  (B) said  (C) saying

                 (  C  ) 10. What is Jack      for?
                            (A) look  (B) looks  (C) looking

                 三 請將下列字彙重組成疑問句

                   1.  she / go to school / does / every day

                          Does she go to school every day?

                   2.  will / do / your parents / for your birthday / what
                          What will your parents do for your birthday?

                   3.  peel the apple / how / she / did / without a knife
                          How did she peel the apple without a knife?

                   4.  solve / did / the problem / they

                          Did they solve the problem?

                   5.  in the kitchen / what / you / doing / are

                          What are you doing in the kitchen?

                   6.  the window / will / open / you / for me

                          Will you open the window for me?

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