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Chapter 4 問句與答句

                          立即練習 8

                     請使用提示單字改寫完整的「現在進行式 Wh 問句」並回答。
                       1.  What / Amy / do
                          Q: What is Amy doing?                                                                篇 級 初

                          A: She is running.                                                       (run)

                       2.  Who / the man / teach

                          Q: Who is the man teaching?

                          A: He is teaching my brother.                                   (my brother)

                       3.  Who / they / play with
                          Q: Who are they playing with?

                          A: They are playing with their cousins.                       (their cousins)

                       4.  Where / my sons / play

                          Q: Where are my sons playing?

                          A: They are playing in the park.                                 (in the park)

                       5.  Why / you / cry
                          Q: Why are you crying?

                          A: I am crying                                                because I am lost.

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