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Chapter 4 問句與答句

                          立即練習 1

                      1.      Does       the cat sleep in the cat bed?

                      2.       Are       you from Paris?                                                       級 篇 初
                      3.       Do        they play tennis?

                      4.        Is       he your brother?

                      5.       Do        you read comic books?
                      6.       Did       you go out with Sammi last night?

                      7.      Were       you heavier than now two years ago?

                      8.       Was       Barbara a teacher when she was young?

                          立即練習 2

                     請將肯定句改寫為 Yes/No 問句。
                       1.  Jenna is doing homework.

                              Is Jenna doing homework?

                       2.  May and Wilson are constantly watching TV until midnight.

                              Are May and Wilson constantly watching TV until midnight?

                       3.  My brother was watching TV when my mom and dad went out last night.

                              Was my brother watching TV when my mom and dad went out last night?

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