Page 34 - ePD03402_聚焦英文文法講義_課本PDF
P. 34


                 三 選擇題

                 (  A  )  1.  She      a few weeks with her family next summer.
                            (A) will spend    (B) spend             (C) spent            (D) spends

                 (  C  )  2.  When Lulu was a child, she      in Canada.
                            (A) lives         (B) is living         (C) lived            (D) will live

                 (  B  )  3.  There was a knock at the door while we      lunch.
                            (A) ate           (B) were eating       (C) eats             (D) will eat

                 (  B  )  4.  Rick      a pack of cigarettes a day.
                            (A) smoke         (B) smokes            (C) is smoking       (D) will smoke

                 (  C  )  5.  There      a lot of rain last night.
                            (A) had           (B) were              (C) was              (D) is

                 (  C  ) 6.  Joanne      dancing every Friday night.
                            (A) go            (B) went              (C) goes             (D) is going

                 (  C  )  7.  Water      at 100 Celsius.
                            (A) boil          (B) will boil         (C) boils            (D) boiled

                 (  C  )  8.  A: Who      the vase?  B: Johnny did.
                            (A) breaking    (B) will break          (C) broke            (D) break

                 (  C  )  9.  I promise that I      back in two weeks.
                            (A) came          (B) has come          (C) will come        (D) had come

                 (  C  ) 10. My father      reading newspapers and I did, too.
                            (A) enjoys        (B) will enjoy        (C) enjoyed          (D) was enjoyed

                 (  C  ) 11. A: Do you know Brad Pitt's latest movie "Fury"?
                            B: Yes, I      it the other day.

                            (A) see           (B) will see          (C) saw              (D) am seeing
                 (  B  ) 12. Ken      fast food after school every day last month.

                            (A) has           (B) had               (C) will have        (D) have
                 (  D  ) 13. The airplane      at 8:00 p.m., so I have to be at the airport by 6:30.

                            (A) left          (B) leave             (C) is left          (D) will leave
                 (  B  ) 14. Alice used to drink a lot of coffee but now she      green tea.

                            (A) prefer        (B) prefers           (C) preferred        (D) will prefer

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