Page 35 - ePD03402_聚焦英文文法講義_課本PDF
P. 35

Chapter 3 時態

                 四 請將肯定句改寫為否定句

                   1.  I went to the library yesterday.

                          I didn't go to the library yesterday.
                   2.  June is a hard-working student.                                                         初 篇 級

                          June isn't a hard-working student.
                   3.  My dad exercises every day.

                          My dad doesn't exercise every day.

                   4.  My brother and I are going to the United States this summer.

                          My brother and I aren't going to the United States this summer.

                   5.  What he said was true.

                          What he said was not true.

                   6.  My aunt and I will go the bakery later.

                          My aunt and I will not go to the bakery later.

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