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Chapter 3 時態

                  03     Exercise

                 一 請填入正確答案
                                                                                                               初 篇 級
                          人稱                 第一人稱                    第二人稱                    第三人稱

                  單數                             I                     You                  He/She/it
                  1. be 動詞現在式                  am                      are                      is

                  2. be 動詞過去式                  was                    were                     was

                  複數                           We                      You             They/These/Those
                  1. be 動詞現在式                  are                     are                     are

                  2. be 動詞過去式                 were                    were                    were

                 二 請填入正確的動詞型式

                   1.  We weren't happy with the hotel. Our room          was      (be) very small and it
                     wasn't very clean.

                  2. Jane     came     (come) into the room,        took     (take) off her coat and sat
                     down yesterday.

                  3. I     am       (be) hungry. Can I have something to eat?

                  4. Mary       gets    (get) up early every day.
                  5. John     made      (make) up his mind to finish his plan.

                  6. The student  caught  (catch) a cold yesterday.

                  7. Rachael       lost    (lose) her keys yesterday evening.

                  8. I usually     buy      (buy) two newspapers every day. Yesterday I  bought
                     (buy) two newspapers, too.

                  9. He      has      (have) a shower every day.

                  10. Mrs. Wang       fell     (fall) asleep at work yesterday.

                  11. You shouldn't      say      (say) that.

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