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Chapter 3 時態

                 四 未來式(Future Tense)


                  1   未來式肯定句
                     1. be 動詞句型                                                                                初 篇 級

                                           will be
                          主詞                                       形容詞                未來時間
                                    is/am/are  going to be

                     2. 一般動詞句型

                          主詞                                      原型動詞                未來時間
                                     is/am/are  going to

                      EX  1.   Angela  will      be     very happy when she sees her new dress.
                              (Angela 看到新洋裝非常開心。)

                                   Angela   is     going      to       be     very happy when she sees her
                                 new dress.

                          2.   I  will  visit my grandparents this weekend.(我這週末要拜訪祖父母。)
                                 I   am      going     to     visit my grandparents this weekend.

                                                      表 3-9 常見未來時間

                        1.  明天            tomorrow                 2.  稍後             later
                        3.  明天傍晚          tomorrow evening         4.  幾天後            in a few days

                        5.  下週五           next Friday              6.  今天晚上           tonight
                        7.  明年            next year                8.  從現在起           from now on
                        9.  在未來           in the future            10.  很快            soon

                          立即練習 8

                       1.  do / I / will / my homework / tonight.

                              I will do my homework tonight.

                       2.  He / tell / going / is / to / about it / Linda.

                              He is going to tell Linda about it.

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