Page 40 - ePD03402_聚焦英文文法講義_課本PDF
P. 40


                          立即練習 6

                     請填入正確的 Be 動詞或助動詞。                            !   Tips
                       1. Why      are     you here?              這兩句話分別是什麼意思?該怎麼回答?
                                                                  What is he like?         (他為人怎麼樣?)
                      2. What time        is     it?
                                                                  What does he like?   (他喜歡什麼?)
                      3. When  does  the concert start?           兩句中「like」分別為何意思,詞性為何?

                      4. Why       do      you go to the          第一句為形容詞,解釋為「像」。
                          dancing class?                          第二句為動詞,解釋為「喜歡」。

                      5. How  does  he go to school?

                      6. Who        is     your teacher?

                  3   進行式句型

                      Wh- 疑問詞  +  is/am/are/was/were  +  S  +  V-ing?

                  4   未來式句型

                      Wh- 疑問詞  +  will   +  S  +  V?

                      Wh- 疑問詞  +  beV  +  S  +  going to  +  V?

                      EX  What       will      you do this summer vacation?(你暑假要做什麼?)

                          What        are      you    going to    do this summer vacation?

                          立即練習 7

                       1.  will / he / What / do / morning / tomorrow ?

                              What will he do tomorrow morning?

                       2.  are / Where / going / meet / her / you / to ?

                              Where are you going to meet her?

                       !   Tips
                            I will be there.
                            My li�le brother is going to be five next month.

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