Page 42 - ePD03402_聚焦英文文法講義_課本PDF
P. 42


                  04     Exercise

                 一 請填入正確 be 動詞或助動詞

                  1.     Did      you go to the gym yesterday?
                  2. What        is      that on your face?

                  3. What       did      you study when you were in college?

                  4.     Will     you invite her to your birthday party tomorrow?
                  5.      Is      she going to meet you at the coffee shop?

                  6.    Does      she go swimming every day?

                  7. What       are      you going to do this weekend?
                  8.     Was      he angry last night?

                  9.     Do       you like fruits?

                  10. How      are      you feeling right now?
                  11.    Are      you kidding?

                  12.    Did      you cook these all by yourself?

                 二 選擇題

                 (  C  )  1.  Did you      him yesterday?

                            (A) seeing                      (B) saw            (C) see
                 (  B  )  2.  Are you     ?

                            (A) play computer games   (B) a student   (C) watched TV
                 (  A  )  3.  Did you      last night?

                            (A) clean your room             (B) in the park  (C) brushed your teeth
                 (  C  )  4.       Spot playing in the yard now?

                            (A) Was                         (B) Were           (C) Is
                 (  B  )  5.  How did you      this?

                            (A) did                         (B) do             (C) doing
                 (  B  )  6.  Were you      when we were doing our homework?

                            (A) cooked                      (B) cooking    (C) cook

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