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Chapter 4 問句與答句

                  3   未來式疑問句回答方式

                     1. A: Yes,  S + will.
                             No,  S + will not (won't)
                     2. A: Yes,  S + be 動詞 .                                                                   篇 級 初

                             No,  S + be 動詞 not.

                      EX1  Q:              Will            you ask her to the prom?

                            A:Yes,             I will          .   No,     I will not (won't)     .

                      EX2   Q:              Is             Robert going to ask Lyn to the party?
                            (Robert 要約 Lyn 去派對嗎?)
                            A:Yes,             he is           .   No,      he is not (isn't)     .

                          立即練習 5

                     請將肯定句改寫為 Yes/ No 問句。
                       1.  He will stay in the hospital for a week.

                              Will he stay in the hospital for a week?

                       2.  They are going to spend a weekend in Kenting.

                              Are they going to spend a weekend in Kenting?

                       3.  Jasmine is going to be five in June.

                              Is Jasmine going to be five in June?

                 三 Wh 疑問句

                  1  be 動詞句型

                      Wh- 疑問詞  +  is/am/are  +  S  +  名詞 / 形容詞 / 介係詞片語 ?

                  2   一般動詞句型

                      Wh- 疑問詞  +  do/does/did  +  S  +  原 V?

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