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Chapter 13 it 的句型

                  EX   It   is   wise  of  Josh   to take exercise regularly .

                              It    be     adj.     of  + 人                              to  V
                      (Josh 規律運動是聰明的。)   「Josh」是「聰明的」(因為他規律運動)。

                  EX  of / nice / it / was / my older brother(句子重組)
                          It was nice of my older brother        to send me a birthday gi .

                 三 虛主詞 it 接 for 形容事物的特性

                                                                 !  Tips
                    It   be  +  adj. + for + 人 + to + V           比較「二」與「三」:

                                                                  It is adj.  of  人 to    形容人用 of
                  EX   It   is   useful   for  me  to speak English.      It is adj.  for 人 to V     形容事物用 for
                              It    be       adj.        for    人                  to  v
                      (對我而言說英語是實用的。)   「說英語」是「實用的」。
                                                                                                               中 篇 級
                 四 it 強調句
                                                                 !  Tips

                  It + is/was + 強調部分 + that/who......             that�who 後面。

                  EX1  Jerry  nished the homework at home yesterday.

                       (Jerry 昨天在家寫完功課。)
                        a  強調 Jerry
                           It was  Jerry  that/who       finished the homework at home yesterday           .

                        b  強調 the homework
                           It was   the homework        that     Jerry finished at home yesterday          .

                        c  強調 at home
                           It was   at home      that    Jerry finished the homework yesterday          .

                        d  強調 yesterday
                           It was  yesterday  that            Jerry finished the homework               .

                  EX2  Katy Perry performed      the excellent show      in the concert.

                       It  was   the excellent show      that Katy performed in the concert.
                              It    was                    強調部分                                                            that.....
                      (Katy Perry 在演唱會上做出完美的表演。)

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