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Chapter 12 連接詞

                  12     Exercise

                 一 選擇題

                 (  B  )  1.  This T-shirt is good      cheap.
                            (A) but           (B) and               (C) or               (D) so

                 (  B  )  2.  This T-shirt is both good      fashionable.
                            (A) but           (B) and               (C) or               (D) so

                 (  A  )  3.  Andrew missed the school bus,      he took a taxi.
                            (A) so            (B) because           (C) but              (D) or

                 (  A  )  4.  JJ can sing,      he can't dance.
                            (A) but           (B) and               (C) or               (D) so

                 (  D  )  5.  Both he and I      busy mopping the floor this morning.                          中 級 篇
                            (A) am            (B) was               (C) are              (D) were

                 (  C  )  6.  Hurry up,      you will catch the bus.
                            (A) but           (B) or                (C) and              (D) so

                 (  B  )  7.  Study hard,      you will fail the exam.
                            (A) but           (B) or                (C) and              (D) so

                 (  B  )  8.  Neither Vicky nor Jenny      been to America.
                            (A) have          (B) has               (C) hasn't           (D)haven't

                 (  B  )  9.  It was cold when we got to Taipei zoo,      we still enjoyed the trip.
                            (A) because       (B) but               (C) so               (D) or

                 (  C  ) 10.      you but also I am wrong.
                            (A) Both          (B) All               (C) Not only         (D) Either

                 (  A  ) 11. Though Henry is busy,      he still teaches you how to operate the

                            (A) X             (B) and               (C) so               (D) but
                 (  B  ) 12.      I was very tired, I didn't sleep in class.

                            (A) But           (B) Although          (C) And              (D) Or

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