Page 80 - ePD03402_聚焦英文文法講義_課本PDF
P. 80


                          立即練習 1

                       1.  Which one do you like? Coffee            or         tea?

                       2.  The bed is old        but         comfortable.
                       3.  Take medicine right now            or         you will feel uncomfortable.

                 三   相關連接詞連接兩個對等的「詞」、「片語」、「子句」

                  1  both A and B (是 A 也是 B)

                      EX     Both     you     and      I are good students.     連接兩個名詞

                  2  not only A but also B (不僅 A 而且 B)

                      EX  She  not only  writes her own songs,        but also    sings her songs.


                      EX   Not only  you        but also    Taylor likes that desk.

                          (不僅你而且 Taylor 也喜歡那個桌子。)

                     !   Tips
                      「Not only...but also...」
                      連接兩個主詞時,動詞要和靠近的主詞一致。此題動詞靠近 Taylor,所以 like 要加「S」。

                  3  either A or B (不是 A 就是 B)
                      EX  Alesso is  either  dancing      or    singing.     連接兩個動詞(dance、sing)

                          (Alesso 不是在跳舞就是在唱歌。)

                  4  neither A nor B (不是 A 也不是 B)

                      EX  Christ is  neither  short   nor    ugly.     連接兩個形容詞(short、ugly)

                          (Christ 既不矮也不醜。)

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