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Chapter 11 感官、使役、連綴動詞

                  11     Exercise

                 一 選擇題

                 (  D  )  1.  Mary got her dress     .
                            (A) wash          (B) to wash           (C) wasing           (D) washed

                 (  B  )  2.  I have my watch     .

                            (A) repair        (B) repaired          (C) repairing        (D) to repair

                 (  A  )  3.  John was herad      with his friend in class.
                            (A) to talk       (B) talking           (C) talked           (D) talk

                 (  C  )  4.  The thief was seen      the diamond at this store.

                            (A) steal         (B) stole             (C) to steal         (D) stealing
                                                                                                               中 級 篇
                 (  B  )  5.  Nobody saw the guy      the room.
                            (A) to enter      (B) enter             (C) entered          (D) would enter

                 (  A  )  6.  My father make the little girl     .

                            (A) laugh         (B) to laugh          (C) laughing         (D) laughed

                 (  D  )  7.  I can hear the boy      the song.
                            (A) sang          (B) to sing           (C) to be sang      (D) singing

                 (  C  )  8.  Let the boy      some food.

                            (A) eaten         (B) to eat            (C) eat              (D) eating

                 (  B  )  9.  I had my son      me some bread.
                            (A) to buy        (B) buy               (C) to be bought    (D) bought

                 (  D  ) 10. Don't make me      angry.

                            (A) to get        (B) getting           (C) got              (D) get

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