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Chapter 10 情緒形容詞

                  10     Exercise

                 一 選擇題

                 (  B  )  1.  Josh: Did you watch the baseball game yesterday? It was really     .
                            Peter: Yes, we especially liked Jimmy. He was really a good player.

                            (A) excites       (B) exciting          (C) excited          (D) to excite
                 (  C  )  2.  Dad: Why do you study math every day? Don't you have English or

                                     other subject homework?
                            Son: Yes, I do. But I'm      in it.

                            (A) interests   (B) interesting   (C) interested             (D) to interest
                 (  A  )  3.  Are you interested      the A-mit concert?

                            (A) in            (B) to                (C) on               (D) for               篇 級 中
                 (  B  )  4.  Amy: Mom, can I not go to the dancing class?

                            Mom: Why not? Isn't the teacher perfect enough?
                            Amy: No. I just feel it is     .

                            (A) bores         (B) boring            (C) bored            (D) to bore
                 (  A  )  5.  Running too much will      you.

                            (A) tire          (B) tiring            (C) tired            (D) to tire
                 (  A  )  6.  She is surprised      her sister excellent piano performance.

                            (A) at            (B) on                (C) for              (D) about
                 (  C  )  7.  My favorite baseball team lost the game, and it      me very much.

                            (A) surprises   (B) surprising          (C) surprised        (D) to surprise
                 (  A  )  8.  He was      when Helen asked him where he had been.

                            (A)embarrassed                          (B) embarrass
                            (C) to embarrass                        (D) embarrassing

                 (  B  )  9.  David: Why does Josh look so      today?
                            Bill: Don't you know? He gets his first 100 on this math test. He never

                                    got more than 90.
                            (A) excite        (B) excited           (C) exciting         (D) to excite

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