Page 74 - ePD03402_聚焦英文文法講義_課本PDF
P. 74


                 (  C  ) 10. Jay is a very      person. He always makes a joke.

                            (A) to interest  (B) interests          (C) interesting   (D) interested

                 (  C  ) 11. Dick: I feel this movie is     . How do you think, Elliot?
                            Elliot: Well, I feel it is interesting.
                            (A) bore          (B) bores             (C) boring           (D) bored

                 (  B  ) 12. A(n)      person doesn't like to learn new information.

                            (A) interesting   (B) boring            (C) interested       (D) bored
                 (  A  ) 13. The fans got      when they saw their favorite singer in the
                            department store.

                            (A) excited       (B) exciting          (C) excitedly        (D) excitingly

                 (  A  ) 14. The variety show      the students.
                            (A) surprises    (B) surprise           (C) is surprised    (D) surprising

                 二 請填入正確的動詞變化

                  1. I get        embarrassed            (embarrass) easily.
                   2.  Why do you always look so               excited            (excite)?

                   3.  Emily is always very             tired             (tire) because she study really


                  4. Don't be             worried            (worry) too much.
                   5.  I rarely go to the movie. I am not           interested           (interest) in it.

                   6.  My father is          satisfied           (satisfy) with the meal. He really likes

                     the food.

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