Page 78 - ePD03402_聚焦英文文法講義_課本PDF
P. 78


                 二 請填入正確的動詞變化

                   1.  The policeman made the robber               put            (put) down his gun.

                   2.  John had his father           buy           (buy) a cake for him.

                   3.  My sister had the watch         repaired         (repair) by John.

                   4.  The child looks       like a doll       (a doll).

                   5.  The soup smells           sour           (sour).

                   6.  The old man's behavior looks       like a teenanger     (a teenanger).

                   7.  Have you seen Mary            hand            (hand) in her report?

                   8.  My boyfriend makes the present            wrapped          (wrap).

                 三 請依提示回答問題

                   1.  How does this cookie taste?(delicious)

                          This cookie tastes delicious.

                   2.  How does the music sound?(funny)

                          The music sounds funny.

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