Page 82 - ePD03402_聚焦英文文法講義_課本PDF
P. 82


                  2  because 因為

                      EX  Kent is absent because he is sick.(Kent 因生病而未到。)
                                            主要子句                   從屬子句
                          =    Because Kent is sick      , he is absent.
                                                                從屬子句                               主要子句

                  3  althought/ though 雖然

                      EX  Although he was ill, he still went to work.(雖然他生病,他仍去工作。)
                                                   從屬子句                             主要子句
                          = He still went to work    although he was ill       .

                                                           主要子句                                    從屬子句

                  4  when / while 當

                     1. When 的用法

                         (1)   S + V + when + S + V
                                 主要子句                   從屬子句
                         (2)   S + be + Ving + when + S + V

                        EX  His wife was sleeping when Andy went home.

                                                          主要子句                                          從屬子句
                             (當 Andy 回家時,他太太正在睡覺。)

                       ※ 主要子句 : 過去 Ving 子句 (was sleeping), 從屬子句後面也接過去式 (went)。

                     2. while 的用法
                                                                                !  Tips
                            S + V + while + S + be + Ving
                        EX  While Julia was watching TV, Dora was singing.         S + be + Ving when  S + V
                                                                                   S + V  while  S + be + Ving
                                                                   從屬子句                                    主要子句

                             (當 Julia 在看電視時,Dora 在唱歌。)
                          立即練習 3

                       1.  Don't spend much time playing video games  although  they have a lot of fun.

                      2.    Because  he was stuck in the traffic jam, he couldn't join your birthday

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