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Chapter 9 附加問句

                  09     Exercise

                 一 請填入正確的附加問句

                   1.  To play on the streets is dangerous,             isn't it          ?
                   2.  If the weather is fine, we'll go on a picnic,          won't we            ?

                   3.  I am not right,            am I             ?

                   4.  I haven't seen you for a long time,             have I            ?
                   5.  He wants to know what time it is,            doesn't he           ?

                   6.  Annie put on a red sweater,            didn't she          ?

                   7.  Bill's hand hurt very much,            didn't it           ?
                   8.  You should drive carefully,         shouldn't you         ?
                                                                                                               篇 級 中
                   9.  Mark is never late to work,              is he            ?

                  10. There is something wrong with the radio,               isn't there         ?
                  11. Have a cup of tea,            will you           ?

                  12. Let's go to the basketball game,             shall we           ?

                  13. They are good neighbors,             aren't they          ?
                  14. Peter can't drive a car,            can he            ?

                  15. Those are Tom's books,             aren't they         ?

                  16. Please turn down the radio,              will you           ?
                  17. Judy has a lot of money,           doesn't she          ?

                  18. My sister didn't put on a raincoat yesterday, so she got wet,          did she      ?
                  19. My mother knows me much,                doesn't she          ?

                  20. Jeff went mountain climbing last month,                didn't he          ?

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