Page 68 - ePD03402_聚焦英文文法講義_課本PDF
P. 68


                     2. Let's + 原形動詞,附加問句一律用「shall we」。
                        EX3-2  Let's go there,     shall we     ?

                     3. Let's not + 原形動詞,附加問句一律用「o.k.,或 all right」。
                        EX3-3  Let's not play it,    all right    ?

                     4. 附加問句由直述句中的「主要子句」決定
                        EX3-4  If the weather is  ne, we will have picnic,    won't we      ?

                                He knew that Bill is right,   didn't he     ?
                                When he comes tomorrow, I will tell him the truth,       won't I      ?

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