Page 63 - ePD03402_聚焦英文文法講義_課本PDF
P. 63

Chapter 8 被動語態

                          立即練習 7

                       1.  They should send the sick people to the hospital.

                              The sick people should be sent to the hospital by them.

                       2.  People must follow the traffic rules.

                              The traffic rules must be followed by people.

                     8. 感官動詞的被動語態:
                       S + be + 感官動詞(watched, seen, heard......)+ to + V + by + O

                        EX  I heard Mary singing a song.     Mary        was heard to sing        a song.

                          立即練習 8                                                                               篇 級 中

                       1.  I often see my brother surfing the Net at night.

                              My brother is often seen to surf the Net at night by me.

                       2.  He saw Tom run out of the classroom.

                              Tom was seen to run out of the classroom by him.

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