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Chapter 8 被動語態

                          立即練習 2

                       1.  George is washing the car.

                              The car is being washed by George.

                       2.  Alicia is ironing her dress.

                              Alicia's dress is being ironed by her.

                     3. 過去式被動語態: S + was / were + Vp.p. + by + O

                        EX  People polluted the river.      e river     was polluted      (by people).

                          立即練習 3

                                                                                                               篇 中 級
                       1.  Li Po wrote many famous poems.

                              Many famous poems were written by Li Po.

                       2.  Johnny saved the drowning boy.

                              The drowning boy was saved by Johnny.

                     4. 過去進行式被動語態: S + was / were + being + Vp.p. + by + O

                        EX   ey were playing computer games at 10:00 a.m. yesterday morning.

                                  Computer games        were being played          by them at 10:00 a.m.
                                 yesterday morning.

                          立即練習 4


                       1.  Joe was using the computer at 11:00 last night.(改為被動語態)
                              The computer was being used by Joe at 11:00 last night.

                      2.  昨晚 5 點有一場籃球賽正在進行。(中翻英)
                              A basketball game was being played at 5 p.m. last night.

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