Page 10 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
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4    輕鬆學基礎英文法

                        練  習      2 填入適當之否定式

                        1.  You           my best friend.

                        2.  I          a teacher. I am a cook.
                        3.  He           tall. He is short.
                        4.  Leo and Rose           Taiwanese.

                        5.  Ted           honest. He likes to lie.
                        6.  We           Japanese.

                        7.  They cook very well. They           bad cooks.
                        8.  She           a student. She is a teacher.
                        9.  You and I           lovers anymore.

                        10. It          interesting to study math.


                          best [ bWst ] (adj.) 最好的                    very [ `vWrI ] (adv.) 非常
                          teacher [ `titS2 ] (n.)[C] 教師               well [ wWl ] (adv.) 好的
                          cook [ kUk ] (n.)[C] 廚師,煮飯                  bad [ bAd ] (adj.) 壞的
                          tall [ tCl ] (adj.) 高的                      not...anymore (adv.) 再也不……
                          Taiwanese [ ,t1wE`niz ] (n.)[C] 台灣人         interesting [ `IntrIstI9 ] (adj.) 有趣的
                          short [ SCrt ] (adj.) 矮的                    study [ `stVdI ] (vi./vt.) 學、研究
                          feet [ fit ] (n.)[C] 呎,腳                    math [ mA8 ]  (n.)[U] 數學
                          Japanese [ ,GApE`niz ] (n.)[C] 日本人

                   三   Be 動詞之疑問句

                     規則  把 be 動詞(is / am / are)放到句首,成為疑問句,句尾加上問號「?」。

                       例   • It is a pen. 它是一枝筆。                   Is it a pen? 它是枝筆嗎?

                           • He is a spy. 他是個間諜。                   Is he a spy? 他是間諜嗎?

                           • He is wrong. 他錯了。                     Is he wrong? 他錯了嗎?

                           • Taiwan is an independent country.     Is Taiwan an independent country?

                              台灣是獨立的國家。                          台灣是獨立的國家嗎?

                           • I am right. 我是對的。                     Am I right? 我是對的嗎?

                           • You are a student. 你是學生。              Are you a student? 你是學生嗎?
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