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Unit 1  主詞與 Be 動詞       5

                   四   Be 動詞疑問句的回答

                     句型  問:Be 動詞 + 主詞 + 補語                         簡答: Yes, 主詞 + be 動詞

                                                                         No, 主詞 + be 動詞 + not
                       例   • A:Are you happy?                      簡答:B:Yes, I am.

                                                                       B:No, I am not.
                           • A:Are you hungry?                     詳答:B:Yes, I am hungry.
                                                                       B:No, I am not hungry.

                        練  習      3 將下列句子改為問句

                        1.  Smoking is good.

                        2.  They are still good friends.
                        3.  The floor is wet.

                        4.  His name is Jimmy.
                        5.  The tea is cold.

                        6.  You are Leo's younger brother.

                        7.  Helen is busy.
                        8.  The weather is very hot today.

                        9.  Your sister is a beautiful girl.

                        10. This is what you want.


                          smoking [ `smokI9 ] (n./v-ing.) 抽菸          fat [ fAt ] (adj.) 肥胖的
                          good [ gUd ] (adj.) 好的                      weather [ `wW62 ] (n.) 天氣
                          still [ stIl ] (adv.) 仍然                    hot [ hat ] (adj.) 熱
                          floor [ flor ] (n.) 地板                      today [ tE`de ] (n./adv.) 今天
                          wet [ wWt ] (adj.) 溼的                       sister [ `sIst2 ] (n.) 姊妹
                          name [ nem ] (n.) 名字                        girl [ g3l ] (n.) 女生
                          younger [ `jVng2 ] (adj.) 比較年輕                what [ hwat ] you want [ want ] (n.) 你想要的
                          brother [ `brV62 ] (n.) 兄弟


                  一  選 擇 題

                     (  A  )  1. I love these games. They     fun.
                              (A) are              (B) is               (C) am               (D) is not
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16