Page 12 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
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6    輕鬆學基礎英文法

                     (    )  2. I like history. It     interesting.

                              (A) are              (B) is               (C) am               (D) be

                     (    )  3.  I know Mr. and Mrs. Lin. They teach English in school. They      teachers.
                              (A) is               (B) am               (C) are              (D) are not

                     (    )  4. A:     you a nurse? B: No, I am a teacher.
                              (A) are              (B) Are              (C) Am               (D) Is

                     (    )  5. I like my friends very much because they     friendly to me.
                              (A) am               (B) are not          (C) are              (D) is

                     (    ) 6.     are not very dangerous.

                              (A) A snake          (B) Snakes           (C) snake            (D) Snake

                     (    )  7. The air in Kaohsiung     polluted(被污染).
                              (A) are              (B) is               (C) am               (D) am not

                     (    )  8. Stinky tofu     my favorite food.

                              (A) is               (B) am               (C) are              (D) not

                     (    )  9. This girl is a Japanese. She     from China.
                              (A) is               (B) is not           (C) am               (D) are not

                     (    ) 10. A:     he a bus driver? B: Yes, he is a bus driver.
                              (A) Is               (B) Am               (C) is               (D) am


                          game [ gem ] (n.) 遊戲                        snake [ snek ] (n.) 蛇
                          fun [ fVn ] (adj.) 好玩的                      dangerous [ `dAnGErEs ](adj.) 危險的
                          like [ l1k ] (vt.) 喜歡                       air [ Wr ] (n.)[U] 空氣
                          history [ `hIstrI ] (n.) 歷史                 polluted [ pE`lutId ] (adj.) 受污染的
                          easy [ `izI ] (adj.) 容易的                    mountain [ `m0n,tEn ] (n.) 山
                          know [ no ] (vi./vt.) 認識、知道                 stinky tofu [ `stInkI ] [ `tCfu ]  (n.) 臭豆腐
                          teach [ ti7 ] (vt./vi.) 教                     Japanese [ GApE`niz ] (n./adj.)
                          school [ skUl ] (n.) 學校                     日文,日本的,日本人
                          much [ mV7 ] (adj./adv.) 多                  from [ fram ] (prep.) 從
                          because [ bI`kCz ] (conj.) 因為               bus [ bVs ] (n.) 巴士、公車
                          friendly [ `frWndlI ] (adj.) 友善的            driver [ `dr1v2 ] (n.) 司機

                                                                             註:(prep.) 介係詞、(conj.) 連接詞。
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