Page 158 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
P. 158

152     輕鬆學基礎英文法

                     2   將過去式改成過去完成式。
                     句型  主詞 + had + 過去分詞

                       例   • He left Taiwan. 他離開台灣。                He had left Taiwan. 他已經離開台灣了。
                           • We went home. 我們回家。                   We had gone home. 我們已經回家了。

                        練  習      2 將下列句子改為完成式

                        1.  Leo left by the time we arrived.

                        2.  Mark came back from Taipei.
                        3.  She was a teacher. (ten years)

                        4.  We ate breakfast.

                        5.  Monica bought a car yesterday.

                        6.  I changed my mind.

                        7.  It rained. (two days)

                        8.  My father went to Japan last night.

                        9.  Monica went back to Paul's home.
                        10. Mary wrote a song.


                          by the time = when (conj.) 當……              mind [ m1nd ] (n.) 心意

                          change [ 7enG ] (vt./vi.) 改變

                     3   過去完成式的否定。

                     句型  主詞 + had + not + 過去分詞

                       例   • He had not come back yesterday. 他昨天還沒回來。

                               注 意    had not 可寫成 hadn't。

                        練  習      3 將下列句子改為否定句

                        1.  Grace had left when we arrived.

                        2.  My mother had gone to Tokyo.
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